Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mary, Money, ""Car", "Lari", "Rugi"

Mary borrows Money, and however you cari, she eventually lari with your hard-earned Money, so be this a warning to you all, who are potential Mary's victims, do not lend Mary any Money otherwise you will sendiri Rugi!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


In Greek mythology, Medusa is a Gorgon (terrifying woman) who could turn anyone who looked at her to stone.

It became very apparent to me that Medusa does exist in the realms of our working place, when I witness the tremendous orchestrated effort to avoid a certain person today during a celebration for the passing of the Age of the Matriach (see below).

Friday, January 5, 2007

The Matriarch

The above refers to a senior lady who holds a position of dominance, authority and respect.

Unfortunately, ours flexes her matriarchal muscles, (or shall I say adipocity), too often to the stage of hysteria, culminating to the loss of dignity and respect.

The time of The Matriarch is over, this is after all the 21st Century!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

New Year, Old Story

My 1st day of work in 2007, and I was woken-up by my Nemesis, ironically to tell me that she will be late too, thanks to the jet-lag that I still haven't fully recovered yet. This was followed by an adrenaline surge and the dash to get there first before she does... I succeeded.

I was greeted by a retinue of medical students, and it suddenly strucked me that since my Nemesis is not around, I am expected to do a teaching ward round! Darn, and my mindset hasn't switched from holiday to working-cum-teaching mood yet.

Of course the teaching was post-poned.

Sadly, at my expense, there were more excuses for being late later on the day, and the remark of how I wish I won the lottery for 2 million and I will quit came up again. I couldn't resist but to answer, the 1st step to be a multi-millionaire (nowadays being a millionaire is insufficient), is to actually participate in the lottery!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Post-Term Delivery - New Year Child

Decided that it is time to reward myself with a New Year pressie. It has passed the 3rd trimester, and considered post-term!

And, yes, I had to deliver it onto my hands without the aid of any external devices.

Nope. It is neither a girl nor a boy... It is a PDA! And that does not mean Public Display of Affection, more like Public Display of Anticipation/Anguish!